The images and content of this site and blog.vidyaswamyskitchen.com are copyright protected. Please request permission before copying or distributing any material from these sites.

Use of images or content in violation of these terms constitutes a violation of my copyright. I do not permit hotlink of images. If you would like to use photos that appear on this site for commerical purposes, please contact me via email at vswamy@vidyaswamyskitchen.com. Nothing from this site is allowed for any other use than personal.

The information you provide via email or the contact form will never be used illegaly. They will only be used for contacting you to answer your blog or email questions. We may also contact you to ship utensils or spices that you place an order for.

Please note the Blog site has mine and other visitors' comments and opinions. The information here is also for personal and not commercial use.

If you are interested in linking to my site, please email your request. Permission may be approved or denied at my sole discretion.

E-mail: vswamy@vidyaswamyskitchen.com